Persons diagnosed with HIV infection are hospitalized in infectious disease wards. Patients in the AIDS stage are placed in special box wards to prevent infection with other infections.

HIV treatment main directions:

  • etiotropic treatment – antiretroviral therapy;
  • immunomodulatory therapy;
  • treatment of infectious diseases, antibiotic therapy;
  • treatment of neoplasms.

Immunomodulatory therapy is one of the main therapeutic areas and includes replacement and immunostimulatory treatment.

Immunosubstitution therapy involves bone marrow transplantation and lymphocyte transfusion.

Immunostimulatory therapy is carried out with medications.

Antitumor treatment of HIV consists of radiation and special pharmacotherapy.

Patients with immunodeficiency virus are under dispensary observation for life, regardless of the stage of the disease.

In this case, regular laboratory examination is carried out, analyzing the clinical manifestations of the disease to monitor the course of the infectious process and the functional state of the immune system.

Of primary importance in preventing the spread of HIV is the promotion of a healthy lifestyle (avoidance of alcohol and drugs) and proper sexual behavior (use of condoms, limitation of sexual partners).

Specific HIV prevention using vaccination is only at the stage of development.

When an HIV-infected patient stays at home, family members should observe the necessary sanitary and hygienic regime:

  • regular wet cleaning of the premises;
  • the toilet and bathroom should be treated with disinfectants;
  • linen must be boiled;
  • cutting objects and scissors should be treated with alcohol if possible, etc.